Raise your hand if you remember being told by your mother, grandmother, teacher...literally every adult ever, that you can't eat cake for breakfast? Yeah, that's a lot of hands. Well here's what I have to say about that: it's bullshit! And here is a list of reasons why I believe in the power of cake.
1. Cake is delicious AF. I'm a firm believer in eating whatever you like and whatever makes your endorphins go for a ride. I mean, think about it! Cake is delicious...delicious food makes you happy...therefore, eating cake for breakfast will make you happy. And you'll have a great day. Not seeing any downsides yet.
2. It's so diverse! There's so many different types and flavors out there. It's selfish, really, to only allow your taste buds to enjoy cake for dessert and on special occasions. Feel like having something fruity in the morning? Strawberry shortcake. Feel like having something really sweet? Funfetti cake. Or maybe you want something a little more rich - cheesecake, my friend. Whatever mood you're in, there's a cake for that.
3. It's taboo. Honestly, that's reason enough for me to just go for it and eat dessert for breakfast. Isn't there something so exciting about going against the norm and doing what you want? Rebel society! Fight the patriarchy! Wait, that's a whole other topic. Anyway, do it simply because people tell you not to. Live your life.
4. YOLO. Do the kids still say that? Seriously though, life is too short to NOT eat cake whenever you want. Treat yo self, queen! Waking up can be hard enough, you deserve that cake for getting out of bed and joining the productive world. Never, ever be afraid to do the things that bring you happiness. Unless that thing involves something like theft or murder...in which case, just stick to the cake.
Until next time loves!