Peanut Butter Banana Dream
12:44 PM
Little known fact about me, I LOVE peanut butter and bananas. Both on their own are heavenly, but when combined are to die for (literally, if you happen to be allergic to one of them. In which case, don't eat this). I woke up ridiculously early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep no matter how many tosses and turns I attempted. So instead of tearing out my hair, I decided to get my ass out of bed and make something delicious for breakfast. Here's my thought process while browsing through my fridge:
I could eat yogurt. Ugh, I've had that 3 days in a row now I want something different. I could eat leftover spaghetti squash - does that count as breakfast? Nah, let's save that for lunch. Ooo I have bananas...and peanut butter...and almond milk. Ding ding ding!
With my new found excitement I threw in my 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 banana, 1/4 cup yogurt, a giant tbsp of peanut butter, and a cup of ice into the blender and mixed that baby up. To make it extra "tumblr aesthetic" I put it in a mason jar (but alas, I didn't have a cute bendy straw). Let me tell you, that first sip literally made me do a happy dance. This is my new current obsession and will be having this for breakfast until I get sick of it. Or run out of ingredients, whichever comes first. But really I don't see myself getting tired of this anytime soon.
Until next time loves!